Monday, August 4, 2008

16th - 17th and 18th remedies.

HONEY SUCKLE: Always thinking of the past, talks of the past events—lives in the past. Cannot break contact with the past events. Regrets and remorse for the past events. Does not live in the present, and makes no effort to solve the present difficulties. When a difficult situation arises, he escapes to the past, as if the present does not belong to him. Cannot get over the loss of a person one loved.

HORN BEAM: Mental weariness. Feels tired and exhausted even before he has started the work. Awakes in the morning but feels too weak to leave the bed. Visualizes the work to be done, and without touching the work feels weak and exhausted. Once he starts doing the work, he accomplishes it without difficulty. But this mental lethargy is the cause of his feeling of weakness. Feels more tired in the morning after night’s rest than in the evening after day’s labor.

IMPATIENCE: Impatience in all walks of life—in thought, in action, in temper, very quick in thinking, in deciding, in action, in speaking, in eating. Cannot tolerate slow or even normal speed of others. Would even snatch a piece of wood from another worker to finish it quickly. Their anger, although it flares up quickly, it subsides quickly. ‘Impatience’ type bosses and instructors never prove popular amongst their subordinates or trainees. Very restless when waiting in queue outside doctors’ clinic, at bus stop or railway stations. Quick tempered.

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